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[Linux] HP ACU Command 및 IML 로그 확인 본문


[Linux] HP ACU Command 및 IML 로그 확인

kikiho 2014. 3. 19. 09:50

1. HP IML 로그 확인법

  hplog -v

2. hpasmcli 입력후 help하면 관련 내용확인 가능함.

[ACU 확인법]

hpacucli ctrl slot=1 show config

hpacucli ctrl slot=1 show config detail

hpacucli ctrl slot=1 pd all show status (Physical구조)

hpacucli ctrl slot=1 ld all show status (Logical 구조)

hpacucli ctrl slot=1 show status

hpacucli ctrl all show status

#Example Command#

Utility Keyword abbreviations
Abbreviations chassisname = ch
controller = ctrl
logicaldrive = ld
physicaldrive = pd
drivewritecache = dwc
hpacucli utility
hpacucli # hpacucli

# hpacucli help

Note: you can use the hpacucli command in a script
Controller Commands
Display (detailed) hpacucli> ctrl all show config
hpacucli> ctrl all show config detail
Status hpacucli> ctrl all show status
Cache hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 modify dwc=disable
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 modify dwc=enable
Rescan hpacucli> rescan

Note: detects newly added devices since the last rescan
Physical Drive Commands
Display (detailed) hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 pd all show
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 pd 2:3 show detail

Note: you can obtain the slot number by displaying the controller configuration (see above)

hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 pd all show status
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 pd 2:3 show status

Erase hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 pd 2:3 modify erase
Blink disk LED hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 pd 2:3 modify led=on
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 pd 2:3 modify led=off
Logical Drive Commands
Display (detailed) hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld all show [detail]
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld 4 show [detail]
Status hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld all show status
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld 4 show status
Blink disk LED hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld 4 modify led=on
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld 4 modify led=off
re-enabling failed drive hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld 4 modify reenable forced
Create # logical drive - one disk
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 create type=ld drives=1:12 raid=0

# logical drive - mirrored
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 create type=ld drives=1:13,1:14 size=300 raid=1

# logical drive - raid 5
hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 create type=ld drives=1:13,1:14,1:15,1:16,1:17 raid=5

drives - specific drives, all drives or unassigned drives
size - size of the logical drive in MB
raid - type of raid 0, 1 , 1+0 and 5
Remove hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld 4 delete
Expanding hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld 4 add drives=2:3
Extending hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld 4 modify size=500 forced
Spare hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 array all add spares=1:5,1:7

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